Monday, December 1, 2014

Childhood trauma is stored in the hip (according to somatic therapy).

I noted from this article that it is hypothesized that unexpressed emotions are lodged lower in the body such as the hips. It is interesting to know that qigong facilitates self-healing as well as yoga, and the author also wrote the following in the comment section:
"there is a spiritual dimension to this topic which the medical community has yet to acknowledge. In Qi Gong as well they call this area the Dan'tien, the centre of life force energy and potent self-healing. Doing some work on my hip openers / chakras, the feelings I observe do have a cleansing element to it." 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Health benefits of wheatgrass juice

I have checked the very informative website above on the benefits of wheatgrass juice. I learnt that it contains nutrient-dense; contains chlorophyll that increases oxygen in the blood, thereby stimulating circulation, reducing fatigue, preventing cancer and treating inflammation associated with joint pain; improves digestion; and cleanses the liver, among many other health benefits. 

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Rehmannia, Eleuthero and Licorice for cortisol management.

I learnt from the article "Adrenal Fatigue vs. Iron Deficiency Anemia" that fatigue could be due to various factors such as low cortisol levels, low DHEA levels, anemia, and/or some other factors, and adaptogenic herbs such as rehmannia, licorice and eleuthero (Siberian ginseng) can help provide adrenal support and reduce stress. Incidentally, I found out that tankwe gin, which can be bought from Chinese TCM stores, contains rehmannia and licorice too. The information leaflet says tankwe gin is nourishing to the blood and helpful to the body building, and can mainly cure weakness, headache, dizziness and anemia, and so on.

Friday, July 11, 2014

Benefits of eating seaweed

I have checked out this informative article on the benefits of eating seaweed, and it is good to know that seaweed is an excellent source of B-vitamin folate and lignans which are anti-cancer, iron, calcium, magnesium, B-vitamins riboflavin and panthothenic acid. I noted that magnesium riboflavin and panthothenic all help to provide relief and resistance to stress, allergies and infection

Friday, May 2, 2014

Some information about autoimmune diseases and Vitamin D

I have checked out this informative article "You may have an autoimmune disease but don't know it!" and noted the list of symptoms that may possibly be associated with autoimmunity. I also noted the author's recommendation of the paleo diet "autoimmune protocol" to address the respective health issues, which I learnt from a related link "Modifying Paleo for Autoimmune Conditions (i.e., The Autoimmune Protocol)" involves healing the gut through healing foods such as bone broth, grass-fed meat, organ meat, fermented foods, etc, as well as ensuring intake of adequate Vitamin D and drinking plenty of water, among other useful measures/activities to aid in healing the gut.

About Vitamin D, the generous dose of sunshine in tropical places such as Singapore enables our bodies to manufacture Vitamin D, which can prevent or treat autoimmune diseases. For example, I found this article "Vitamin D - could it stop 'modern' disease?" that says "gradually, evidence is emerging that links low vitamin D levels to a rise in a whole host of “modern” diseases, some of which were virtually unheard of in the pre-industrial era.... doctors working with these autoimmune diseases, previously sceptical, are now privately hopeful that vitamin D will prove to be a useful addition to treatment." Similarly, this article says Vitamin D halts autoimmune disease. 

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Putting a moist towel around our neck can help our body cool down naturally

it is useful and interesting to read this forum about how putting something cold such as a moist towel around our neck helps lower the body temperature because heat is being taken from the jugular vein to the towel. It reminds me of those days years ago when I used to go hiking in the forested areas in Singapore with my fellow members of the school outdoor activities club, where some of us would drape a moist towel around our necks if we happen to be hiking during midday when the sun was especially hot compared to late mornings or late afternoons when the temperature was less hot. I learnt that having a towel around the neck is also handy in wiping sweat.

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Herbs for constipation

I have checked out this informative article on herbs for constipation which I find useful as it resonates with my experiences in treating this symptom over the years. I noted that "the gentlest remedies for constipation include increased movement and exercise, certain yoga postures, increase of fluid intake, and dietary changes including increased fiber and fruit... And prune juice may be the most effective and gentlest remedy for constipation." Yes, I can testify to the effectiveness of prune juice which I have been drinking every other morning, mixing it with half a cup with warm water, which helps maintain regularity every two or three days on average, which I believe is normal for me. I have stopped eating yoghurt for the time being though, as I think the cold food may have caused running nose symptoms in the mornings, and besides, prune juice works fine for me. 

I have also taken natural bulk laxative such as psyllium, if I remember correctly, occasionally in the past, and like what the article says, I needed to drink a lot of water for this gentle laxative to do its work properly.

I noted that the mild herbal laxatives include dandelion root, chickweed and yellow dock root tincture, whereas purgative herbs include "aloe, buckthorn, cascara sagrada, rhubarb, and senna... which should be used only as a last resort". I also learnt that "Kathi Kevilles approach is to combine the irritant herbs with tasty ones like peppermint, ginger, and fennel, that also relax the intestines and prevent cramping." Yes, I have been drinking a cleansing herbal tea occasionally recently which is the Pukka nettle, peppermint and fennel tea, and I believe it helps maintain regularity and prevent constipation too.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

This formula is good for cleansing blood, thereby skin

The formula of dandelion leaf, nettle leaf, cleavers, plantain herb, green rooibos and lemon myrtle is good for cleansing blood, thereby skin.

Incidentally, I came across an article earlier about nettles - it says "the nettle plant is a powerhouse of nutrition. Its roots and leaves are rich in iron, calcium, and vitamins A and K, and it has been used to treat intestinal weakness, malnutrition, diarrhea and countless skin conditions for centuries in Europe." It is indeed helpful to know that nettles, among the other herbs mentioned above, is good for cleansing blood, and thereby skin too.

Notes on "RHR: Diagnosing and Treating Lyme Disease"

I have finished reading the podcast interview transcript and the comments below the podcast, and I find the overview of Lyme's disease both detailed and informative. The information on Lyme's disease is new to me, and I took some time to google and familiarise myself with the information too. I noted from the podcast that one way to prevent it is to wear long pants and tuck our pants into our socks, and try not to sit under the oak trees in the leaf litter, the high area where ticks tend to hang out when hiking outdoors, especially in wooded areas in North America and Europe. 

Like a reader commented, I also appreciate Dr Schweig’s candor in the even-handed discussion of antibiotics, naturopathic medicine and integrative therapies on treating Lyme's disease. I also noted from a related article that some natural antibiotics that may prevent the onset of Lyme's disease infection include garlic and echinacea. 
Dr. Sunjya Schweig:  And to be honest with you, getting into this world has always been a little bit a struggle because I came at it from a really integrative, complementary, alternative medicine point of view, which is that I wanted to get away from antibiotics.  I wanted to really do my best to respect the gut and the gut immune system and the gut ecology and the microbiome, so I frequently find myself kind of caught where I see these treatments helping, but on the other hand, I’m always concerned and aware of the risks to the human organism as a whole.  So I will also be rotating in a variety of different herbal protocols, whether it’s some of the Stephen Buhner herbs – He has a couple of really good books out, very, very well-researched scientific works on the actions of some of these herbal antibiotics.  I’ll also use a lot of Byron White Formulas, some really great herbal protocols and products, as well as there’s a woman named Susan McCamish who has a group of products that are really helpful.

Related resources 
Healing Lyme Disease Coinfections: Complementary and Holistic Treatments for Bartonella and Mycoplasma Paperback by Stephen Harrod Buhner
Lyme disease - Mayo Clinic


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Chrysanthemum tea

I have read this article on chrysanthemum tea - incidentally, my mother likes to make chrysanthemum tea occasionally, which we would buy from a traditional chinese herbal medicine store near the neighbourhood wet market - she says the tea is cooling. Like the article also says, it "cools the body and clears the liver.... also supports immunity, reduces high blood pressure, relaxes the nervous system and curbs aging". I would sometimes drink warm chrysanthemum tea during lunch at the coffee shop too.

I happened to have taken a photo of chrysanthemum flowers at the plant nursery which I visited about 3 weeks ago.

I think maybe I can buy a pot of chrysanthemum to grow at home, then we can harvest the flowers which are edible to make chrysanthemum tea to enjoy the health benefits. I found this article that says the chrysanthemum flowers "tend to bloom from May to July".

I have checked out the article on "Heat in the blood - traditional chinese medicine diagnostic patterns", and noted that among the conditions or symptoms that may arise from heat in the blood include skin conditions, and other possible TCM patterns include liver yin deficiency. On a similar note, I learnt from this related article that among the herbs that clear heat and relieve toxicity include chrysanthemum.

I found another article that also recommends chrysanthemum flowers to dispel heat generated in the body and resolve the heat rash problem.

"According to TCM principles, heat rash is an outward sign of an internal temperature imbalance. If you have heat rash, avoid eating spicy foods or sugar, drinking hot beverages or alcohol, or taking hot showers or baths-all behaviors that generate heat in the body. Prepare a cooling herbal tea with one tablespoon of peppermint leaves and two tablespoons of chrysanthemum flowers in three cups of boiling water. Steep it for 20 minutes, then strain and cool to room temperature; drink half a cup every few hours until the rash clears."
(From "How to treat heat rash")

Thursday, April 17, 2014

"I believe the digestive system is the core of life energy, intuition and longevity." - Nadya Andreeva

I have checked out the article on the 7 happy belly foods, and the photos of some of the foods, such as wild Alaskan salmon, bone broth and lacto-fermented veggies, look delicious. We still have some organic coconut oil left in the kitchen after it has been used for cooking, which I bought some time last year, and I am now using it occasionally for oil pulling or rinsing my mouth in the morning, after having read articles on its health benefits. As for bone broth, I've come to realise too that it is a simple and effective way to improve digestion, and my mother sometimes makes fish bone broth or soup with vegetables for dinner.

I have also come to like kimchi as it is tasty and slightly spicy, as well as appreciate the fact that it has "very high levels of probiotics" and is a potent detoxifier. Like someone commented below the article,  "I've been living in Korea (where kimchi is derived from) for the past year and can tell you %100 that Kimchi has helped with digestion and now I'm an addict! I want Kimchi with EVERYTHING. .... Lastly, some studies show that Kimchi contains compounds that may prevent the growth of cancer! Yay, Kimchi!"

And yes, as I have come to learn about the connection between the gut and the brain, the digestive system is indeed the core of life energy, intuition and longevity. I googled about it , and came across this article that says new research on polyphenols in colourful fruits and vegetables can help microorganisms in our digestive system, and may extend our lifespan, too. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Poria cocos extract

I have checked out the article on poria cocos, which is an interesting name for a fungus or mushroom. I noted that it "has been traditionally used as a tonic to benefit the internal organs", and has a wide range of health benefits, such as having anti-bacterial and anti-cancer effects, as well as protecting the liver, prolonging life, and calming the nerves. 

I learnt from a related article that "this fungus is widely used in traditional medicine to treat chronic gastritis, acute gastroenteric catarrh, gastric atony, oedema, nephrosis, dizziness, nausea, and emesis".  Another article I read just now says that poria cocos has also been used to support the treatment of conditions such as palpitation, insomnia and so on. 

Related articles
Poria (Fu Ling)
Poria Cocos

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

"Consume too much sugar too often and your capacity to think, plan and remember will be dulled."

I have checked out this article "This Is Your Brain On Sugar: A Neuroscientist Explains", which I find useful as a reference and reminder. Yes, it is good to monitor and moderate intake of food that contains sugar in its various forms, in order to prevent general cognitive decline, and I will continue to do so. I also noted from the article that "exercise is one of the best ways to regulate" my blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes, and keep my "brain sharp, engaged and well".

Monday, April 14, 2014

Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan

I noted from this website on "Jia Wei Xiao Yao Wan for Anxiety and Depression" that the traditional formula of Xiao Yao Wan 逍遥丸 consists of eight herbs, and that it is used for treating symptoms like anxiety and panic attacks, as also mentioned in this related article.

I read some positive reviews/testimonies on this herbal medicine in this website. I also noted from this article "Stressed? Get Some Happy Pills" that Xiao Yao Wan "is an extremely safe and mild formula, but highly effective at the same time" and it can be used for stress, mild anxiety, mild fatigue and so on.

After googling further about it, I learnt that a Chinese medicine hall in Singapore called Min Sheng He sells Wellring Xiao Yao Wan. I also learnt they have a retail store near the central part of Singapore.

Feeding gut microbiota: Nutrition, probiotics key factors for digestive health

I noted from this article "Feeding gut microbiota: Nutrition, probiotics key factors for digestive health" that "the microbial communities that reside in the human gut and their impact on human health and disease are one of the most exciting new areas of research today". Indeed, it is helpful to learn about how to preserve our gastrointestinal health by feeding the gut microbiota through a healthy and balanced diet as well as probiotics, that are customized according to our dietary needs. 

It is also great to know about the progress being made by science in discovering the numerous beneficial effects of different kinds of probiotics, such as "holding pathogens at bay, strengthening the immune system, helping to regulate the gut motility, and acting as anti-inflammatory compounds in the gut, with an impact beyond the gut."

"Cholesterol and Saturated Fat Are Not the Enemy" - Chris Kresser

It is interesting to note from this article "The Diet-Heart Myth: Cholesterol and Saturated Fat Are Not the Enemy" by Chris Kresser that "the body tightly regulates the amount of cholesterol in the blood by controlling internal production", hence dietary cholesterol "does not affect the ratio of LDL to HDL or increase the risk of heart disease". As a lover of eggs, it is good and encouraging to learn that "egg yolks are an especially good source of choline, a B-vitamin that plays important roles in everything from neurotransmitter production to detoxification to maintenance of healthy cells", and that having sufficient choline intake can help prevent fatigue, insomnia and so on. 

It is also useful to know that "studies on low-carbohydrate diets (which tend to be high in saturated fat) suggest that they not only don’t raise blood cholesterol, they have several beneficial impacts on cardiovascular disease risk markers."

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

'Digital detox' and other health matters

I have checked out the very informative podcast interview and I learnt from Chris Kresser's experience in his 10-day digital detox of not using the phone or computer and instead "reading a lot, both nonfiction and fiction, meditating a lot, a lot of physical activity and a lot of time just doing nothing, and it’s been really extremely therapeutic" for him. I can relate to this as I do feel a bit more grounded whenever I take time away from the computer at the workplace wherever possible, and take a longer than usual walk to a coffee shop during lunchtime, or go up to the rooftop to rest my eyes from the computer screen in the afternoon, except for a quick glance at my mobile phone every few minutes or so to check if there are any important new emails. 

I learnt from the second half of the interview that as long as the levels of the beneficial bacteria in the gut, bifidobacteria, are normal or increased, a really high fat diet does not contribute to endotoxemia. I also learnt that it is possible to restore our gut flora if we are unable to tolerate probiotics or fermented foods and if it is not likely due to histamine intolerance by starting with extremely low doses of probiotics that are suitable for us and building up very slowly over time, besides taking prebiotics and fermentable fiber that "has the most profound impact on the quantity and composition of the gut flora over time", wherever possible or appropriate. 

"The benefits of probiotics go way beyond gut health."

It is interesting and refreshing to learn from the article "5 Uncommon Uses For Probiotics" by Chris Kresser about the numerous benefits of probiotics, which go beyond improving and maintaining gut health. I noted that the less conventional uses of probiotics include:
  1. reducing anxiety and depression
  2. reducing nasal congestion and other symptoms associated with seasonal allergies
  3. maintaining oral health
  4. reducing acne on the skin
  5. inoculating our house as household cleaners, with beneficial bacteria that should make the environment less hospitable to pathogens

I happened to eat some kimchi together with rice for dinner yesterday, and it is good to know from the article that these probiotics that come into contact with and are able to colonize the mouth can "reduce cavities and improve overall oral health by rebalancing the bacteria in the mouth", according to numerous observational and clinical trials

Interesting discovery on probiotics

Bio-K+CL1285® Probiotics may ease fatigue syndrome anxiety 

 Like the above video "Probiotics may ease fatigue syndrome anxiety" said, probiotics found in yoghurt and supplements not only are used to treat digestive systems but also are found to lift our moods, due to the brain-body connection. It is interesting to note that researchers doing a study on chronic fatigue syndrome found that those given daily doses of probiotics had their depression and anxiety lifted, and Dr Alison Bested said they felt calmer, were sleeping better, and had less palpitations and other symptoms of anxiety. I decided to buy yoghurt again about a couple of weeks ago, and I will continue to do so as I like the taste as well as the knowledge that it is beneficial for my gut health. 

Probiotics and Mental Health

I also learnt from the above video "Probiotics and Mental Health : that based on a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of a probiotic in emotional symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome, the researchers found "a significant rise in both lactobacillus and bifidobacteria without taking the LcS, and there was also a significant decrease in anxiety symptoms among those taking the probiotics vs controls. These results lend further support to the presence of a gut-brain interface, one that may be mediated by microbes that reside or pass through the intestinal tract.... Another study provide further evidence that gut microflora play a role in stress, anxiety and depression perhaps via the enteric nervous system as well as centrally." Indeed, as the video concluded, "this ability of probiotics to affect central nervous system processes is perhaps one of the most exciting recent development in probiotic research."

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Anti-cancer effects of dandelion teas and tinctures

it is thanks to the cutting edge research mentioned in the above website that shows the amazing anticancer effects of dandelion tea. I noted that repeated treatment with low-dose dandelion root extract was effective in killing most of the cancerous leukaemia cells, and dandelion tea was shown to decrease breast cancer cells, and dandelion was also shown to suppress the growth of prostate cancer cells. It is unfortunate that much of Big Pharma hasn't shown any interest in this natural cure as "cancer cures cannot be patented", as I learnt in this related article.

Hopefully, more and more people will come to know about the anticancer effects of dandelion because like this article says, "Ongoing research is most importantly starting to show that dandelion may possibly turn out to be an exceptional alternative for chemoresistant forms of cancer."

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Search herbs by actions

I have checked out the website, and found it to be a useful library of resources on herbs and herbalism, especially with its comprehensive list of herbs that are searchable according to their medicinal actions.

I learnt that lemon balm has a number of medicinal uses, including "nervous system tonic & relaxant, carminative, sedative", and I noticed that it can be useful for treating symptoms such as "anxiety, restlessness, palpitations, headache, and excitability and also is a mild anti-depressant. It strengthens the brain and its resistance to stress/shock, and lifts the spirits. It has tonic effects on the heart and circulatory system". 

I think I can benefit from this herb myself as well, and I will find out more about how to use this herb, which I bought from the plant nursery, before I harvest the leaves for making natural remedies/health tonics. I am aware different herbs work for different people, so I think I will use a bit first to test if it is suitable for me. 

Mental illness is a myth

I have finished watching the video by Stefan Molyneux and I find it well researched and well presented to show how there is no such thing as mental illness. Yes, mental illness is a myth because like he said, "psychiatrists have yet to conclusively prove that a single mental illness has a biological or physical cause, or a genetic origin. Psychiatry has yet to develop a single physical test that can determine that an individual actually has a particular mental illness." 

As he also pointed out, the so-called diagnosis of mental illness by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of mental disorders lacks scientific reliability and validity by using behavior instead of physical symptoms. It is sad and unfortunate that some people do not accept the fact that mental illness is a myth because like Stefan said, "psychiatric disorders" are not medical diseases as "there are no lab tests, brain scans, X-rays or chemical imbalance tests that can verify that any mental disorder is a physical condition." Ironically, psychiatric drugs are the ones that actually cause problems such as biochemical imbalances, and it is perhaps not surprising that the psychiatric movement's major source of funding is the "highly profitable pharmaceutical industry, which funds drug research, psychiatric journals and the American Psychiatric Association itself". As I learnt from Sydney Walker III, DSM labels not only are useless as medical "diagnoses" but also "have the potential to do great harm - particularly when they are used as a means to deny individual freedom, or as weapons by psychiatrists acting as hired guns for the legal system". 

All in all, I find the video to be a good summary about how modern psychiatry is a pseudo science that tends to seek profits over people, and how the myth of mental illness is debunked by science.

Related website 
Manufacturing Madness: The Pseudoscience of Modern Psychiatry

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Fermented foods

I have read the article "Fermented Foods" and found it useful as a reference on making our own fermented foods that are easy to digest and have more bio-available nutrients. The recipe on making sauerkraut seems doable as it involves only natural unprocessed salt, cabbage, carrots and water - I haven't tried making fermented food though, and I will try my hands at making one one of these days.

I learnt from a related article that lacto-fermentation needs "salt, water, and jars plus an anaerobic environment which allows the good bacteria to flourish." I will learn through trial and error, as mentioned in that article. I have also noted other fermented food recipes such as fermented fish, and homemade yoghurt and kefir.

About 11 Ways To Keep Your Home A Cancer-Free Zone

I have checked out this informative article on ways to keep our home a cancer-free zone, and noted the helpful tips such as switching to natural toothpastes free from toxins and freshening the air with household plants instead of using synthetic sprays.

I am glad to have switched to fluoride-free toothpastes recently, and I also use non-alcohol mouthwash occasionally nowadays. As for air fresheners, we use Febreze once in a while in the rooms after changing pillow sheets, and I discovered online recently that this spray contains harmful chemicals, according to this website. The website also recommends house plants to refresh the air naturally, and I will be getting potted lavender in the near future, which is also beneficial as natural aromatherapy.

An Article on Building Up Good Bacteria in the Digestive System

I find the article on building up good bacteria in the digestive system comprehensive in detailing the various ways of building good bacteria in the digestive system, such as avoiding, or minimising, food that deplete beneficial bacteria, consuming fermented foods and drinks, and using natural soap and water instead of antibacterial soap.

I sometimes use Asepso soap which is antibacterial, and other times I use the green 999 chlorophyl soap, as shown in this blog. I think I will use the 999 chlorophyll soap more often where possible in future as it has natural ingredients such as coconut oil and eucalyptus oil, as I learnt in this website.

Recently, we also bought Korean kimchi from the supermarket, and I have checked that the ingredients are natural.  It tasted yummy.

I have also noted from the above article other ways to prevent depletion of good bacteria, such as avoiding sources of stress on the body, and moderating use of harsh cleaning chemicals to santize the environment. All in all, the article is a helpful resource to keep.

Monday, March 24, 2014

About the 5 die-off myths

  • Switching from processed food to a real food diet (death of pathogens by starving)
  • Starting or increasing probiotics dosage (death of pathogens by good soldiers)
  • Starting or increasing dosage of antiparasitic, anti-yeast or antibiotic (death of pathogens by bombing)

I have finished reading the above very comprehensively written article on the 5 die-off myths and I have also checked out many of the comments in the comment section. It helps me understand the nature of die-off as a result of a very substantial change to the dietary treatment plan. The description of the three scenarios mentioned in the article are funny as much as they are helpful, and I think the use of the battle-scene scenarios is quite apt, since in each scenario, the bad bacteria/pathogens are being destroyed, through different methods. I find this article a good resource on how to interpret the clues the body is giving us with regard to the kinds of food we eat.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Green smoothies - Are they good or bad for you?

I have checked out both links above and I noted there are three reasons to avoid, or minimise intake of, green smoothies, from an Ayurvedic perspective: 
  • the overall cold, dry and rough quality of the smoothies may aggravate the vata, causing gas or pain after eating, anxiety and/or other symptoms
  • the smoothie may deplete deep tissues that nourish the immune system or ojas
  • the complex combination of raw fruits and greens can be difficult to digest. 
I noted some suggested adjustments to make the green smoothies slightly more Ayurvedically-friendly, such as adding a pinch of turmeric and ginger to aid digestion, keeping the ingredients to a minimum, and having them a couple of times a week instead of daily. 
I learnt from the second article that people "with a dominant Vata dosha tend to be slim, with small frame and prominent bones. They are fast, changeable and often love any kind of movement, change and travel.... They often feel cold and prefer warmth - warm foods, drinks and climates.... Following a Vata pacifying diet is very important."
I also find the article in this website helpful for me to understand more about how green smoothies tend to have different results for different people, depending on whether they may already have some digestive issues that are still being resolved, and/or some other factors such as rotation of greens, and so on.
Like the excerpt from the second article quoted below, as well as some of the testimonies shared in the comment section of the articles by the readers, for most people, raw greens may initially help in cleansing when taken in small amounts for a period of time before the cleansing may eventually reach the end of its benefits, and the raw greens may begin to affect the digestion and nervous system over time in such cases. 
"In Chinese medicine, it has been known for centuries that too many raw fruits and veggies will damage the digestion, creating symptoms of gas, bloating, poor absorption, depression, fatigue and more. When the digestion is weakened over time this adversely affects the nervous system, immune system, and adrenals."

Thursday, March 13, 2014

The AURA - electromagnetic field of the body

I have checked out the article on the electromagnetic field around every person, and it is good to know more and more scientists today are acknowledging the presence of the energy fields or auras which ancient traditions spoke about, and new technologies are developed, "claiming to capture the human aura and also help us in detecting the subtle imbalances in our bodies." I also noted that "Eastern practices, both medical and spiritual, are initially directed at correcting the aura i.e. the spiritual body rather than the physical... in this way energy healing sent by prayers, reiki, intention etc. is always first received on the outermost layer of the aura i.e., Astral body and then transferred to the other bodies". 

This reminds me of the pranic healing I received early last year for the lower back pain and right shoulder pain I experienced. I had incurred back pain after carrying heavy objects and the pain had eventually subsided but still lingered, so by the time I saw the practitioner at the pranic healing workshop, he was able to help resolve the lingering effects of the back pain using energy healing method. Later, I decided to go to his clinic known as Pranic Angel and attended a few sessions of energy healing for the right shoulder condition. Though the frozen shoulder symptoms still persisted since it typically takes at least a year for the full cycle of recovery or near-recovery for this condition, I felt a sense of peace during the healing sessions. I also bought the aromatherapy salt bath scrub from the clinic. Here's the website of Pranic Angel clinic

Health benefits of Gotu Kola

I came across this article on a herb called gotu kola, which has been found to calm anxiety naturally, among other benefits. Here's sharing with you since you are interested in herbology and you may find it useful as a reference too. I will also archive this information in my blog for future reference.
(NaturalHealth365) " For many centuries, gotu kola has been a mainstay of both the Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) healing systems. Botanically known as Centella asiatica, and also referred to as Asiatic pennywort, this member of the parsley family has been used in TCM to treat kidney failure and malaria, as well as a variety of skin conditions – including leprosy. In Ayurveda,, where it is known as brahmi, gotu kola is prescribed for similar purposes.

But, gotu kola may also have potent psychological and mental benefits, such as the power to improve cognitive abilities, reduce anxiety and enhance longevity."
- See more at:
I googled and found another article that shares similar findings on the benefits and uses of the gotu kola herb.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

"Feeding Versus Cleansing" by Dr Natasha

I have checked out this very comprehensive blog on "feeding versus cleansing" by Dr Natasha, and it is interesting to learn that animal foods such as fresh good quality meat, fish, eggs and dairy are largely feeding/building, while plant foods such as beans, fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds are largely cleansing/detoxifying. I find it useful to know that vegan diets are ideal only for temporary cleansing, and cooking plants help make them more digestible, and animal foods are needed for buiilding our body with the necessary fat and protein. I also find it interesting to note that our body goes through cycles of building itself up and cleansing itself, and "desire for a particular food is the main way your body tells you what it needs at any particular moment nutritionally".

Yes, come to think of it, there were times I do have a desire to eat certain foods during lunchtime, and even though I usually eat mainly vegetables and occasionally egg for lunch, I sometimes felt like eating some meat as well. This is especially so when I feel a bit hungirer than usual and I would be thinking maybe I should eat something more filling, such as some meat. I also noted from the article that everyone is unique, and what may suit another person may not suit me and vice versa. All in all, it is a very informative blog.
"Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) are the most difficult conditions to treat. The detoxification system in these people is in complete collapse.

The toxins... impair the function of mitochondria in the cells. Mitochondria are our energy factories in the body. As they are disabled the person suffers from severe fatigue, which is the main symptom of these three conditions. The detox system needs energy to function, so the person is trapped in a vicious cycle of not being able to produce energy or detoxify.
As the detoxification system is disabled, any amount of die-off is poorly tolerated, as die-off increases toxicity in the body, and... That is why people with these problems have to go so slowly with increasing probiotics or fermented foods....

Try to modify your GAPS diet according to your personal needs: move through the stages faster or add foods which you feel will be good for you earlier, while avoiding those that are difficult for you to handle at the moment.
My heart goes out to people with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and ME; you have a real challenge with your health, one of the most difficult ones....

The important thing for you is to never give up and trust your body: your body knows what it needs at any moment. You need to develop a real connection with your body, to learn to listen to it and have a deep love and respect for it. Because it is your body that is doing the healing, not the diet or supplements or anything else....

Your recovery process is a partnership between you and your body. So, don’t try to impose anything on your body without asking it first if it agrees with that.... Your mind is affected by many different things and can deceive you, while your body is always right.

We have lost touch with our nature and it takes time to learn to listen to our bodies and our souls. But as you learn, you will become more and more successful, and not only at your physical recovery, but many other aspects of life." - Dr Natasha Campbell McBride

It is encouraging to read this above quote by Dr Natasha Campbell McBride, in knowing that we can become more and more successful at our recovery from the physical symptoms of accumulated toxins in the body, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, by learning to listen to our body and our soul, especially with regard to the kinds of food we eat, according to our personal needs. I googled about this just now and came across a couple of articles below in which the writers shared how the GAPS diet has helped them in their healing journey.

"Gaps diet cured my chronic fatigue. I still have some minor issues that are healing."


Saturday, March 8, 2014


In the beginning part of the above video, the photo of reishi mushroom at the 2:20-minute mark reminds me of a similar mushroom I saw at the rainforest at Pulau Ubin recently, as shown in this photo.

The shape of the mushroom looks similar, except the colour of this mushroom is darker brown, so I guess it is probably a related species of reishi or lingzhi.

It is good to be refreshed by the informative summary in the video that the speaker had given on the numerous benefits of reishi or lingzhi, such as supporting our innate ability to handle stress evenly, enhancing our immune system, supporting our liver's natural detoxification process, having antioxidant effects, and increasing the flow of oxygen throughout our body. I also noted reishi is beneficial for the lungs and heart, and is also antiviral, anticancer and antitumour. It is interesting to learn that reishi is one of those tonic herbs that build up the three treasures of jing, qi and shen in our body, which catalyse our own personal development and spiritual power.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

On the resurgence of folk herbalism

I have read this informative and engaging article on the resurgence of folk herbalism in view of the ineffectiveness of conventional medicine in treating the root causes of sickness, as well as a growing knowledge and appreciation for the age-old and time-tested effectiveness of herbal medicine in preventing and treating sickness holistically.

I agree with the article that "holistic health modalities which focus on wellness and prevention" are our mainstay, compared to doctors and medical drugs which are important only as a complement to be used as a last resort, "especially for trauma care and acute illnesses".

It is also interesting to read the writer's own experience in discovering that cleavers are not really "weeds" as they are a perfect remedy for a skin disease with which she was struggling at that time. I decided to google about cleavers to find out more about it, and I learnt from this article that cleavers "is one of the best tonics for the lymphatic system available", and "is helpful in clearing the urinary tract with basis in the lymphatic drainage, which helps detoxify the kidneys, keeping them in good working order". 

Sunday, March 2, 2014

The most effective mood stabilizers in natural medicine

I have checked out this article and found it useful as a reference. I learnt that the most effective mood stabilisers include ginseng, lavender, St John's wort, kava kava, Passion flower, winter cherry or ashwagandha, and arctic root or rhodiola. I noted that lavender is "a part of aromatherapy for headaches and depression", and incidentally,  I have been occasionally using aromatherapy salt bath scrub containing lavender, rose and sandalwood ingredients after showering, which I bought from the pranic healing clinic last year. 

I noted from the article that passionflower is a "natural sedative relieves occasional anxiety and mild panic attacks". I happened to have bought some herbal tea mixture containing passionflower and other complementary herbs some time ago from an organic health store. 
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Friday, February 28, 2014

Brain Nourishing Herbs

"Brain Nourishing Herbs

~ Oatstraw is restorative, the essence of nourishment for the brain and nervous system. Very grounding. Essential for those who lack concentration skills whether adult or child.

~ Roses and rose hips nourish the brain and nervous system, are calming, stress relieving and centering. Roses nourish our ability to give and accept love. Used to alleviate pains of the emotional heart, to lift spirits and enhance vitality. Rose hips are vital for children who have been diagnosed with Attention Deficit Disorder.

~ Lavender is antidepressant, tranquilizing and stress relieving.

~ Skullcap is nature’s finest nervine, a superb nourisher of the brain and nervous system; pain relieving, antidepressant and sedating. Helps focus and concentration.

~ Red clover nourishes the entire body, provides plenty of protein, B vitamins, and calcium, all essential brain nourishing nutrients.

~ Chamomile is mildly sedating, soothing and especially good for children.

~ Sage inhibits the breakdown of acetylcholine thus protects against Alzheimer’s. Highly regarded as a brain tonic down through the ages.

~ Rosemary is a nervine, stress reliever and antidepressant. It increases alertness, strengthens memory and acts as an all-around brain tonic.

~ Garlic stimulates the brain and has a positive effect on brain functioning, increasing alertness and energy.

~ Ginkgo brings blood to the brain, improves mood and sociability, sharpens concentration and intellect, and eases tension and anxiety.

~ Ginseng is rejuvenating, restorative, boosts energy and vitality and is tonic to the brain. Antidepressant, adaptogenic, an excellent ally for anyone under physical, emotional, mental or spiritual stress. Promotes strong nerves, sound sleep, improves memory, clear thinking and enhances concentration.

~ Angelica is revitalizing, restorative and offers rich stores of B vitamins, including B12, calcium, magnesium and iron, all necessary nutrients for healthy brain and nervous system functioning.

~ Lemon Balm is an effective natural tranquilizer and antidepressant. It is anesthetic, pain easing and called a safeguard against senility. Lemon balm nourishes the brain.

~St. John’s wort is effective against mild to moderate depression, alleviates anxiety, insomnia, and irritability and eases pain.

~Motherwort supports us emotionally. Motherwort offers emotional stability while she teaches us what is necessary for strong emotional health. Our sharp prickly parts need to be acknowledged and accepted as well as our soft fuzzy parts. Motherwort displays both proudly.

Many of the above herbs can be found in tincture form at the following link -
tinctures of oatstraw, motherwort, St. John's wort, lavender, angelica, ginseng, ginkgo, rosemary, sage, chamomile, red clover, nettles, burdock, dandelion, wild yam, black cohosh. and skullcap - also rose, lavender, peppermint & lemon balm glycerites.

Some of these herbs, especially oatstraw, roses, lavender & lemon balm are also available to you here in the form of delicious herb tea blends. You'll find some excellent choices here -
Herb Tea Blends such as Comfort & Joy, Peace Blossom and Lavender Love

Rose hip syrup can be found on this page
Rose Hip Syrup"

I have read the article on brain nourishing herbs you shared with me earlier, and I find it informative with regard to the various herbs that are restorative, emotionally supportive and nerve-calming, such as oatstraw, rose hips, lavender, chamomile, rosemary, garlic, angelica, lemon balm, St Johns' wort, motherwort and skullcap.
I have also googled some of these herbs just now, and it is interesting to note from this article below that oatstraw's calming qualities not only strengthen nerves but also encourage a restful night's sleep.

"The somewhat controversial German Commission E stated in an October 1987 publication that oat straw could be used as a nervine herb. The German government commissioned oat straw extract as an effective herbal remedy for anxiety and stress. This is most likely due to the high Vitamin B complex content contained within the herb. Oat straw's calming qualities strengthens nerves and encourages a restful night's sleep."

Learn more:
I also found a couple of articles below that say skullcap can be used to treat insomnia, besides anixety symptoms, as mentioned below.
"4) Skullcap: Another herb from the mint family, skullcap combines well with valerian root to synergistically reduce stress, decrease nervous tension, fight insomnia, and fight anxiety symptoms. When made into a tea or tincture, skullcap can be taken throughout the day to combat stress and promote restfulness, even in the midst of irritating or stressful situations."
Learn more:

"(NaturalNews) Scullcap is a traditional herb that can be taken internally to treat nervousness, irritability, insomnia, and neuralgia. Scullcap has a sedating effect and is also able to calm spasms, reduce fever, stimulate the kidneys, and also has cleansing effects. Scullcap is very effective for treating anxiety and tension headaches as well and the Chinese consider it a powerful remedy that is used to calm the mind and also to prepare for meditation."
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Bacopa Monnieri

I have checked out this very informative article on bacopa, which I learnt is an Adaptogen herb that is validated for improving memory, reducing anxiety, increasing memory and promoting longevity. 

It is also helpful to learn that taking the dose together with meals instead of on an empty stomach can prevent side effects such as cramping/bloating, and that bacopa takes some time to work, with much improvements showing in 8-12 weeks. 

I also learnt that bacopa goes well with "Milk ThistleCurcuminGreen Tea Catechins, and Ashwagandha".

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Elderberry - a potent natural flu remedy

Here's sharing with you this article I read yesterday about elderberry as a potent flu killer. It says that "doctors found that patients that consumed elderberry extracts showed a reduction of flu symptoms such as fever within two days of supplementation". Here's sharing relevant excerpts from the article below.
"This magical fruit is particularly high in phenolic compounds, with exceptionally high levels of anthocyanins – besides being a good source of water soluble vitamin c. The presence of these two nutrients may explain why elderberries are efficient in fighting off cold and flu. There are several species of elderberries – American, Blue and European Elderberries. The European elderberries are the most studied type and used in dietary supplements.

A tasty way to fight off influenza viruses

A 1995 study found that elderberries are a low-cost and a side-effect free way to treat influenza viruses A and B. This research was published in the winter edition of the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. It was a placebo-controlled, double-blind investigation on the effects of the elderberry extracts during an influenza-B outbreak in Panama.
Doctors found that patients that consumed elderberry extracts showed a reduction of flu symptoms such as fever within two days of supplementation. By the third day about 90% of the cases were completely cured.
Another study published in the Journal of International Medical Research also fetched similar results in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled investigation. Sixty Norwegian adults with influenza-like symptoms were given 15 ml of elderberry juice or syrup – four times a day. The supplementation was continued for 5 days, patients that received elderberry syrup recovered 4 days earlier than the group that did not receive elderberries.

Elderberries know how to kill flu viruses – naturally

According to researchers, the possible mechanism of elderberries against influenza viruses is via its powerful antioxidant network. The flavonoids, flavonols, cholorogenic compounds and other antioxidants stimulate the immune system in an organized fashion.
The first point of stimulus occurs with an increased production of cytokines that serves as messengers between cells. Cytokines then locate the target immune cells and interact with the receptors to bind to them. This interaction triggers specific immune responses.
The second point of stimulus occurs with an increase in the production of monocytes (type of white blood cells). Some of these monocytes transform into macrophages which form of a part of body’s own immune system which destroy foreign cells or bacteria.
Some other monocytes become dendritic cells which assist the adaptive part of the immune system. In addition to this, elderberries also inhibit the ability of influenza virus to attach to the red blood cells. The antioxidant – anthocyanins – in elderberries also tag along to demonstrate powerful anti-inflammatory effect which brings down the aches and pain associated with fever."
- See more at:
Another article says black elderberry is the "most antiviral substance known to man", as described below.
"Elderberries, which happen to be a very powerful antioxidant, have been used for centuries in folk medicine (as well as today, in other countries around the world) to treat colds, influenza, wounds (when applied topically) and have even shown to be effective against the herpes simplex virus.

A 2001 study published in the U.S. National Library of Medicine stated that elderberry extracts are "natural remedies with antiviral properties, especially against different strains of influenza virus." Another 2004 study published in the NLM commented on reduced duration of flu symptoms when using elderberry: "Symptoms were relieved on average four days earlier and use of rescue medication was significantly less in those receiving elderberry extract compared with placebo." University of Maryland Medial Center writes "Elderberry may have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and anticancer properties" and "one study suggested that elderberry could kill the H1N1 virus.""

Learn more:
"Elderberry contains a potent antiviral agent called "antivirin" which helps neutralize the activity of the hemagglutinin spikes. When these spikes are deactivated, the viruses are no longer able to get inside of the cell and replicate."
Learn more:
I also found this article below, which may be useful as a reference too, as it contains a suggested recipe for an immune boost tonic containing dried elderberries.
"Recipe for Immune Boost Tonic:

Ingredients (Organic):

2/3 cup dried elderberries
4 cups water
2 tea bag of Rooibos tea
1 tsp of Cinnamon
2 T fresh or dried Ginger
1/2 tsp of Cloves
1/2 cup raw Honey


1. Pour water into saucepan and add all ingredients except for honey
2. Bring to Boil, Cover and Simmer for 45 minutes
3. Remove from heat, let cool
4. Pour through a strainer
5. When completely cool, add honey and mix completely
6. Store in a glass jar in the refrigerator

Suggested Dose:

Take daily for immune support:

1 tsp. for children
1 T. for adults

If flu comes on:

Take suggested dose every 2-3 hours until symptoms disappear"
Learn more:

Notes on Inner Qi seminar

Inner Qi seminar Aligning your sub-conscious for health, wealth and happiness - Master CK "Yellow emperor's inner classi...